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Use service account from google to send emails through

I'm trying to use a gmail account that I've using so far to relay emails automatically with a web app. Using the email and password, being insecure and therefore not allowed from the 30th September. I ...
Juan Maria Martin's user avatar
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How to set jass conf string in ci/cd pipeline so that it's probably formated

In gitlab.yml I take the jaas.config from ci/cd pipeline trying to set sasl/plain kafka connection but getting illegal argument or control flag not specified sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common....
coder404's user avatar
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Unable to communicate kafka broker containers in docker environment

In my development environment, I just tried to set up SASL SSL communication between producer, consumer apps, and 3 kafka brokers as dockerized. Self signed certificates created with below commands in ...
mkartal's user avatar
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port 6432 failed: FATAL: SASL authentication failed

I am a beginner in postgresql. I want to manage connections to my postgresql database using pgbouncer. I have done all the necessary configuration but I get this error: **psql: error: connection to ...
Muhammad Fauzaan's user avatar
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Not able to connect to ActiveMQ 6.x with SSL client certificate and WITHOUT SASL

I have activemq classic 6.x version. I am trying to disable SASL resulting in the consumers and publishers to connect using only the SSL certificates. But it is not working. During my configuration ...
learner's user avatar
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Performing SASL (with SSL) implementation with Kafka 2.8.1 version

I am encountering the following issue while implementing SASL (with SSL) with Kafka version 2.8.1 on Windows. Any assistance would be appreciated. Kafka Server Logs with ERROR: [2024-08-01 10:45:09,...
ganvin's user avatar
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How to implement topic level authentication for kafka using SASL-PLAIN for windows using python?

I have implemented broker level authentication using SASL-PLAIN, now i want to add topic level authorization using ACLs. Im not able to do that I am running zookeeper and broker on local with default ...
Aashi Jain's user avatar
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What is saslprep ? why its required a stun username password to be used with saslprep?

I have gone through RFC about could not understand the purpose of it can anybody dumb it down for me please.
Usama's user avatar
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Kafka Kraft unable to set up SASL authentication

I am trying to set up Kafka Kraft to use SASL. I have this file: ############################# Server Basics ############################# process.roles=broker,controller{{ ...
ETisREAL's user avatar
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Authenticate Kafka with SASL using JAAS error

I'm trying to setup Kafka and Zookeeper with SASL authentication. My goal is to be able to enable authentication for Kafka so I can manage it with Kafka UI. However, I have been struggling and cannot ...
Luu Tuan Hoang's user avatar
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How to use kafka in SASL_SSL mode

I followed the kafka documentation and I could run the kafka in SASL_PLAINTEXT mode, then I wanted to use the kafka in SASL_SSL mode, so I ...
leiwang's user avatar
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Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake when connecting to kafka server by a consumer

I have 'kafka_2.13-3.7.0' on Windows 11 I want to run the kafka with SASL_PLAINTEXT, I followed the steps in I added the following setting ...
leiwang's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SaslAuthenticationException: Authentication failed

I am trying to use the Confluent Cloud hosted on Azure in my project and we do have API Key and Secret, but I am not able to connect and unable to read the message from kafka topic. I went thriugh the ...
PAA's user avatar
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Getting "ILLEGAL_SASL_STATE: Request is not valid given the current SASL state" in redpanda after setting up authentication+authorization

We're trying to set up redpanda authorization but getting a strange "ILLEGAL_SASL_STATE: Request is not valid given the current SASL state" after following the instructions in the ...
Vincent Barmil's user avatar
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OpenLDAP SASL/GSSAPI: Invalid credentials (49) SASL(-13): authentication failure: GSSAPI Failure: gss_accept_sec_context

Trying to configure my OpenLDAP to use SASL/GSSAPI (kerberos) authentication. My KDC server is up and running and I am able to create all of my principals and SPNs, and can kinit just fine. But when ...
Zach Hein's user avatar

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