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How is the following anti-aliasing technique called if it even exists and how effective is it?

I've seen a couple takes on aa-techniques and I wanted to see what types of AA there are. I got an idea on an anti aliasing technique but when looking at the existing ones I didn't see anyone doing my ...
Mtreitor's user avatar
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My DX12 ray tracer is crashing and i can't figure out why

I am trying to code a real-time ray tracer application using DirectX12. I should say that I am almost a complete beginner about graphics programming and have very little idea on what I'm doing (if you ...
HeroOfSkies's user avatar
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Normal map BG image for website, with fixed light source

I would like to be able to use normal maps in my site's background images. This CodePen example seems to be the best from all the implementations I've seen so far. It uses three.js to achieve the ...
Mentalist's user avatar
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Unity3d, Single transparent object's drawing order is mixed up

So I'm using URP, lit materials. I have this sandwich object with SINGLE fbx model with one submesh only. Sandwich is made in order of Bread - Tomato - Cheese - Ham - Lettuce - Bread When opaque, it ...
Imry's user avatar
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Failed to load effect file: /core/corecommon.fx (6,34): error X3004: undeclared identifier FIXED_WIDTH

type here Hi, I'm trying to make a custom .fx file for an application called MikuMikuDance, after editing the file, when loading it, an error message from another file appeared heres the beginning of ...
Marina's user avatar
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Adding an outline to a curved world shader

I’ve got a curved world shader and I want to add an outline to my objects. I’m able to do a curved world and outline separately, but when I combine the two by adding a second pass to the curved shader,...
gw707's user avatar
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Unity URP my shader graph does not function when both input render textures are the same resolution

I created a decal shader for a fog of war effect for my RTS it functions as intended when different resolution the Vision texture is from a top view orthographic camera while the explored texture is ...
BobulosPrime's user avatar
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Godot vertex shader to bend a mesh along a path (similar to the Blender's "Curve" modifier)

Similar question: Bend a mesh along spline Related: How to bend geometry with geometry nodes Related: Unity Curve Modifier What I'm trying to do: I want to create a Godot vertex shader that bends ...
reptofrog's user avatar
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Blur only objects after a certain distance

I work at a 3d game in Unity URP and i want to make an "Inspect element console" where the 3d objects come in front of the camera and the player can rotate them. So for this i search for a ...
alex stefu's user avatar
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How to draw a circle in a shader in perspective projection?

С# var matrix = camera.projectionMatrix * camera.worldToCameraMatrix; Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_INVERSE_UNITY_MATRIX_VP", matrix.inverse); Shader.SetGlobalMatrix("_UNITY_MATRIX_VP"...
David's user avatar
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OpenGL multiple shaders per Mesh

I'm learning OpenGL for a personal project and I have mesh that contains 3 shaders: Shader for normal rendering Shader for picking as explained in:
Jaime's user avatar
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Applying a Geometry Shader on Existing Material in GLB Using Filament Android

I'm working on an Android project using the Filament rendering engine to display 3D models in GLB format. I have successfully loaded and displayed models with existing materials using Filament. ...
Test Label's user avatar
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Draw Multiple Objects With PyOpenGL Shaders

I just started using shaders with PyOpenGL, and I managed to draw one 3d object, but I'm not able to draw a second one. I tried making another init() function and doing all the vao and vbo stuff twice,...
eeeeeeeeeeeeeee's user avatar
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World coordinates wrong when Raycasting and Rasterizing in the same scene

I am rendering two cubes, both side length 1, centered at the origin (min coords. [-.5, -.5, -.5], max coords. [.5, .5, .5]), one with rasterization (vertices set by vertex shader), another with ray-...
Jonny Hyman's user avatar
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After generating a model with random body parts. Cover the area between those parts to make the 3D model look good

I have human models with three body parts: Head, torso, and legs. Rig and animations for these models I am getting from Mixamo. I am taking two human models(parents) and alternately getting body parts ...
David's user avatar
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