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Fetch Textures From a Collection

Hello everyone who's reading. I'm trying to create a website where I can mouse scroll through "cards" that are all in a single line, seen with a iso view from the side. I've set up the scene ...
jamfury's user avatar
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Some transparent textures in three.js

Some textures are transparent when I render them out in the browser. Is there a way to solve this issue? Im just started learing Three.js. image of the issue loader.load(model, (object) =\> { ...
Davy88MM's user avatar
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How to make the sphere use cube map in threejs

For example, in the case of level 2, the texture of one face of a cube is composed of 16 separate images. How should I render 96(6x16) or more images onto a sphere? I used cubeTexture to merge the ...
Maxwell's user avatar
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Javascript problem using Three.js texture function

I am trying to build a snakes and ladders game in javascript in which I have a 100x100 grid. I want each of the the tiles to be different. In my arr[], I have each of the 100 different photos from 1-...
Cian Sullivan's user avatar
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webgl: geometry texture missing after gl.bindTexture

there is a textured cube in my scene, and it renders well untill i draw a quad, then cube tuxture is gone, here is the render flow: // draw the texture cube gl.render(scene, camera); // draw a ...
21k's user avatar
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Change object's interior opacity

I added interior for my object using the side property and it reflex the exterior: const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({side: THREE.DoubleSide}); Is it possible to make the interior less ...
vvalentina96's user avatar
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Three.js meshphongmaterial map not appearing

I'm trying to take a sphere and make clouds with it in threejs (around a blue, smaller sphere). The cloud sphere isn't showing up, even though the blue sphere is showing up. There are also no errors ...
Codeitfast's user avatar
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three.js cube each face is a different texture [duplicate]

loader.load('IMAGE', (texture) => { const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture, }); var cubeGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(140, 140, ...
juju's user avatar
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Add normalMap to ShaderMaterial

I am trying to add multiple textures on the same object in Three.js. I have a 3d T-shirt and the following elements as .png for the T-shirt textures: The front, back and sleeves of the T-shirt: The ...
vvalentina96's user avatar
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How to make a smooth texture transition in three.js [duplicate]

I was able to do this in Blender, my goal is to have a smooth transition between two texture. I did this because I'd like to avoid having a huge 8k texture on the ground. However, it is not possible ...
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Three js, MeshStandardMaterial looks yellow

Hi i am loading a GLTF model in my scene. But the model looks too yellow i assume this has to do with the material. But i have no clue what is causing it, it is not the model itself since if i check ...
FutureCake's user avatar
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How to make emissiveMap lighting only in dark areas in three.js?

With three.js, I render earth with textures. I also add an emissive texture to add the city light. But I have an issue, even the light areas of earth emit the cities light. Exemple: It is possible to ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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How to add circular percentage around a Texture image Three.js

I am trying to add circular percentage around Texture image. My image like this My expected image will be like this border around image. I am new in three.js I used SpriteMaterial due to I need ...
Lemon Kazi's user avatar
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ThreeJS only loading a small number of images queued for loading with TextureLoader?

I have a scene with several group objects. Each group object has about 20 or less child objects. It rendered fine for quite a while. Then I moved the assets to an AWS S3 bucket, with public access ...
Robert Oschler's user avatar
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THREE.JS : display image on objects issue

I am currently creating a webpage in three.js and I struggle to display an image on an object. What I want to do is to display an image on a Mesh with PlaneGeometry. I first tried to load my image as ...
Yann's user avatar
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