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Mootools/Jquery Scripting

This is my first exposure with using Mootools; I have not used Jquery much, and I am having troubles implementing a new change to the scripting. We used a flash uploader, FancyUpload2 and I have ...
Jnice2k3's user avatar
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Mootools JSON request returning not found error

I added an icon next to a file that, when clicked, will mark the file as a redline and change the color of the text of the filename. My boss wants me to do this via AJAX, but I've never done AJAX ...
PortyR's user avatar
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How do I figure out why the MooTools stopped working?

I worked on a page that has MooTools in it and now the MooTools is not working. It is supposed to detect when a change has been made to a dropdown and save the change and the field flashes green. I ...
PortyR's user avatar
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Difference between INPUT_GET and INPUT_POST

I have this line of code in my php file where I am have a question regarding the line of code. What would be the difference if I did this to verify my date variable? Retrieve.php $firstDate = ...
uzzum07's user avatar
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How to increment a generated value in a dynamically-displayed webpage

I have a page that allows the user to add child jobs to the parent job by clicking a button to display a new row in a table (to fill in the details of the child job). One of the fields in that row is ...
PortyR's user avatar
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Using Mootools to inject a template into an existing table, but getting rownum is undefined at eval

I am very new to MooTools and somewhat new to JavaScript. I am trying to get a new row to show up on a button click. I have copied the code that another programmer did and adapted it to suit my needs ...
PortyR's user avatar
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ReCapatcha plugin joomla in external file

i want to include the default captcha plugin in a form in external php file. I included on the necessary for the joomla framefork (3.4.2). This is what I inserted in the external file: JPluginHelper::...
Marco Mirabile's user avatar
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Get image url from mysql using mootools

I'm trying to search a mysql database (made in phpMyAdmin) with a form, with the result updating an image. The database consists of 2 columns, ID (auto-incrementing primary key) and Image (url/path to ...
Babar Shariff's user avatar
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How to get array from form in JS or Mootools to send it than to PHP?

IMAGE OF FORM HTML: <select name="birthdate[day]" id="birthdate-day" class="date_class"> <option value="0"> </option> ..... </select> <select name="birthdate[...
Eugene Privalov's user avatar
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handle php echo from mootools jsonp

I everybody, I have a script for newsletter signup "signup.php" that accept GET data like: If email and username is ok, isciviti....
silver's user avatar
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insert span tag in li tag when active tab

I have gk5 tabs extensions joomla when the tab is active with motools insert "active" to class of li like this: <li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-1 active "> ...
HamidZ's user avatar
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Parse json and put into many tables

I was trying to print this json in some tables but i can't do it well, i hope you guys can help me, this is the json that i get by AJAX <?php $json = array( 'teams'=>array( ...
latiosaxe's user avatar
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Floom Mootools Slider Not Supporting Images as Hyperlinks?

i have used floom mootools slider for my website. It is displaying images dynamically, but the hyperlinks assigned to the images are not working ! The javascript code is : <script type="text/...
user3834296's user avatar
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404 Not Found after a long AJAX request

I have a function that sends a large amount of emails out in one go. Submit Form -> AJAX Request -> send emails function -> Echo a response When the request takes around 30 seconds, all is well, my ...
ed''s user avatar
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Trouble with mootools AJAX after using Jquery Ajax

I have a little question about Ajax calls in Mootools. I wrote a handler script and a listener script in Jquery using AJAX but i cant figure out how to convert it so it works with mootools instead of ...
user3611310's user avatar

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