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Does Application Insights has a property to disable Application Insights?

I am using Spring Boot and I want to disable Application Insights when working on a dev environment. I have ApplicationInsights.attach(); in my main method. And also I have a ...
ilhan's user avatar
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What is the way to send structured log fields with log4j?

With slf4j I can do as follows: logger.atInfo().setMessage("My message").addKeyValue("foo", "bar").addKeyValue("code", 42).log() Which, when used with Azure ...
greatvovan's user avatar
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How to configure Azure Application Insight for a Java Spring Boot in a Pod in Azure AKS

I have a SpringBoot app and this is running in a POD in AKS. I configured an Application Insights agent. For me all looks good. But i can not see in Application Insights the data that i would expect. ...
user286974's user avatar
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Where do custom metrics I did not set come from

I explicitly track 4 metrics in my app and they all show up in the Azure Application Insights custom metrics. But this list of metrics also has 3 metrics I did not set: HealthReportEntryDuration ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Hide False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 logging messages

In a .NET 8 API project, I'm logging via Serilog to a Application Insights. With every request, I see a lot of False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 messages which I want to hide in traces. In ...
NiAu's user avatar
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Multiple the same error logging in Application Insights if code is executed by trigger via Azure Function

I have an Azure Function Time Trigger which is run each minute to recalculate some state - in other word the code is rerun each minute to calculate something. The problem I am facing is that if I have ...
Mykyta Halchenko's user avatar
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Why is Application Insights showing no events

This is for a Blazor Interactive Server app. I add it to the app using: builder.Logging.AddApplicationInsights(); builder.Services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(); I then add an event using: // ...
David Thielen's user avatar
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Is it possible to have Azure Application Insights metrics without incurring Log Analytics cost?

I have some Azure Function Apps running with Application Insights configured but I'm getting a very high cost from Log Analytics because apparently all these metrics become log entries that are ...
Renan's user avatar
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Application Insights - KQL order by not working when converting to double

I'm trying to write a query in Application Insights to order the results by a property. I can reproduce it with a datatable like this datatable(operation_Id: string, timestamp: datetime, name: string, ...
Alex's user avatar
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ITelemetryProcessor uses 5% total CPU - log filtering in dotnet-isolated azure function

I have the following telemetry processor: public class ExcludeInProcInvokeTelemetryProcessor(ITelemetryProcessor next) : ITelemetryProcessor { private readonly ITelemetryProcessor _next = next; ...
yggdrasiljsp's user avatar
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Azure Function EventHub output binding to export function response data

I have a Java Azure Function which has an input EventHub binding and an output EventHub binding as follows: @FunctionName("test-output-function-request") @EventHubOutput( name = &...
Davinder Bassan's user avatar
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Azure Function App unaccounted for time in Application Insights Timeline

I am attempting to analyse the poor performance of an Azure Function when under load. This is a .NET 8 Isolated Function App (v4) running on Windows (64 bit). A small but significant number of ...
wolfyuk's user avatar
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Application Insight - different failed requests count between tabs

I am quite new to Azure solutions. I think there is something wrong with my Failures tab configuration or maybe I don't understand how it works. In this tab I can find all the failed requests in my ...
mastach's user avatar
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Filter out dependency telemetry with applicationinsights javaagent 3.5.4

I have an EAP7 application running in OpenShift with a javaagent attached with application insights (Azure). I have followed the guide for filtering telemetry and configuring the agent with the guide: ...
lhn_dk's user avatar
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Make Azure include exception message in logs

All my code in my aspcore app includes text in the exception, like: throw new StrangeException(500, "Could not find user"); However in Azure portal in App Insights, the message text is ...
baddie's user avatar
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