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Azure Container Apps: Volume mount fails

I have this error when trying to mount a volume in azure container apps with terraform. Everything looks configured properly as per the documentation, so I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what ...
user3620514's user avatar
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How to get metadata (File Shares List) of the Storage account & configure the copy data activity for copying b/w storage accounts in the ADF?

Following my previous Q&A, How to get the File Shares list in the metadata activity and copy all the file shares and inside data as-is to the destination storage account? Linked Service for Source ...
Jaswitha's user avatar
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Synchronise Azure files to blob store

Is there an easy way, to synchronise an Azure file share to a blob store (ADLS gen2)? I thought about using AzCopy running on a VM, but I'm wondering whether there is an easier solution.
eztam's user avatar
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Set-AzStorageFileContent saves strange line breaks

I have a json file, C:\temp\A.json: [ { "key": "value" } ] I save this file to an Azure file share using this command: Set-AzStorageFileContent -Context $SA....
Rudhan's user avatar
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A generic error occurred in GDI+ on Bitmap Save - Azure

I get "System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: 'A generic error occurred in GDI+.' (on save) " when running private void SaveImage(string base64, string imageName) { using (...
kolek's user avatar
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AzCopy fails to copy/sync *some* files saying no PUT permission

We need to sync files between two Azure File Shares. We use SAS tokens to let azcopy access both sides. Out of 126 files at source, only 122 have been synced, for others we get following error: INFO: ...
Tomasz's user avatar
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Azure File Share: Docker Compose in Azure App Service writes to File Share but seems not to read the files (SOLR)

I am running an app with Docker Compose in an Azure webapp. The app needs a configuration, this configuration is a folder system. I have done this to start the app with the configuration, I download a ...
DaveVentura's user avatar
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Forward slash being changed to "%2F" when deploying Azure Function

I have an Azure Function that connects to an Azure File Storage account. The File Storage Account is structure like the following: ShareName ShareName/folder_1 ShareName/folder_1/subfolder_1 ShareName/...
Jose Vega's user avatar
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Manage Access to file shares Azure

I created a file share system with 9 file shares that go to different people. I can't limit access or specify who should have access to what. I've read a bunch of documentation, but I don't think I ...
Gabgon's user avatar
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Mount Azure file share to Azure app service

I am trying to mount an Azure file share on Azure app service. The app service is Windows based (not a container) and it is running .NET. I have checked the network connectivity, the app is vnet ...
NK94's user avatar
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Moving a file from Azure Blob Container to Azure File Share in Springboot Application

I have a CloudBlobContainer which contains a file (csv) which I want to move to a Azure File Share. In the current approach I am downloading the file stored in the container to a temp file and then ...
QuickBrownSloth's user avatar
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Azure File Storage Premium Cost [closed]

We are already using Azure File Storage Premium. I was analyzing the bills. My bill is approx 200$. We checked azure calculator it says 0 upfront cost and 0 upfront monthly cost. Egress, Ingress, ...
know1995's user avatar
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Azure Files with Private Endpoint over Azure VPN

I setup an Azure Files storage account with Public access disabled and an internal Private Endpoint address of and the provided PrivateLink DNS enabled. I also have a Virtual Network Gateway ...
pakyrs's user avatar
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Azure Logic connection with Azure file share while storage account is behind firewall

I have an Azure Storage account that has an Azure file share setup. I want to create a logic app that, after it does its process, creates a file on the Azure file share. The only connector that seems ...
Ajay Ward's user avatar
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How to mount a virtual disk inside Azure Container Instance?

I have an Azure SMB File Share which gets mounted inside my Azure Container Instance. Inside the File Share, there's a Virtual Disk file VHD.img which I want to mount. My container instance Dockerfile ...
dhsdshdhk's user avatar

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