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Adding OAuth scopes to a call in an OpenApi Generator generated client

I'm using OpenAPI Generator (7.8.0-SNAPSHOT with RestSharp library) to generate a C# client for a rest api deployed on Azure that is using OAuth to grant access and authorizations. Now the ...
Mad Druid's user avatar
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How to use JWT token used obtained using MSAL library to commit code in Azure Repo

We are using @azure/msal-react node module to authenticate a user. User is prompted to enter his uid/pwd and Azure AD authenticates the user. Once, authenticated, user gets a JWT token. This token is ...
OpenStack's user avatar
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Which steps to follow for logging out the user which signed in using Microsoft account following OAuth2.0?

I have developed an application that utilizes OAuth 2.0 for user authentication and subsequently retrieves user details from the Microsoft Graph API. I have implemented till login and accessing the ...
NaineeL SoyantaR's user avatar
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Publisher verification for OAuth access with Microsoft Login

I've been developing an app that requires access to a user's calendar on their Microsoft account. Initially, everything was functioning smoothly, and I even have a promising opportunity with a company ...
jofJof's user avatar
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Can Azure AD OAuth client credentials flow permissions be limited to specific mailboxes?

I have a background service that needs to be able to monitor specific mailboxes for new emails in a customer's Azure AD. Because it's a background service, I'd like to use the OAuth client credentials ...
mdk's user avatar
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Single app registration in Azure for mobile app calling own backend

I want to authenticate users with Azure Active Directory (AD) in a mobile app that calls its own REST API and possibly, make it simple. Looks like the documented way (here or here) to do so is to ...
metalheart's user avatar
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Custom Application permissions and authorizations when Authenticating to Azure

In a hypothetical scenario where I am using Microsoft Identity Platform for authentication, how would I also leverage it to control user permissions. Specifically, user permissions within the custom ...
Oxymoron's user avatar
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Azure enterprise admin consent to dynamic app scopes

Is it possible to enable admin consent for dynamic application type scopes(not delegated, docs)? I have an azure application that's using multiple scopes, for purposes of this conversation lets limit ...
VukNovakovic's user avatar
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How to decide whether or not to implement SCIM endpoint

This question is asked in the context where a company wants to implement a new SaaS solution with a REST API plus a single-page web-application on top of it, where authentication and authorization and ...
jamesbond007's user avatar
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Device code flow: Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException: AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid

This question is not a duplicate of AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid because that post didn't solve my problem. This is the code: using Microsoft.Identity....
Adrian's user avatar
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How to generate an on-behalf-of token for a middle-tier API

I'm trying to implement an on-behalf-of flow, with Microsoft Identity Platform where my Web app authenticates users, then makes a request to my Web API which in turn makes a request to the Microsoft ...
MrFranzén's user avatar
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Azure AD client credential flow - registering client applications for multiple client implementations

I have an ASP.NET Core 6.0 web API which is currently deployed in an on-premise environment. I am trying to protect the API with OAUTH 2.0 client credential flow using Azure AD as authentication ...
zigget's user avatar
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Microsoft Identity Platfrom on behalf of user vs Code flow

I am reading documents for Microsoft Identity Platform to implement api and protecting it by using Microsoft Identity platform and I do understand some what OAuth code Grant flow and Client ...
Jashvita's user avatar
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What are some ways to securing web api with authorization in Azure

I am developing an Web API .net core and hosting it in Azure as we are migrating to Azure. To secure the web API and for Authorization (Protect a web API backend in Azure API Management using OAuth 2....
Jashvita's user avatar
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OpenIdConnect Behaviour Visual Studio vs Azure

I have an core 5 website that I've deployed to an Azure App Service. Within Startup.ConfigureServices it has the following: services.AddRazorPages().AddMvcOptions(options => { ...
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