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Microsoft Entra ID -- how to utilize iframes/ find a substitute

I have an asp.NET webapp that utilizes the Microsoft Identity platform for authentication. The purpose of the app is the be a hub that displays other web applications-- unfortunately, it seems that ...
Enzie Riddle's user avatar
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Restricting Microsoft Identity authentication to only approved devices

I am using Microsoft Identity in an Azure hosted web app and want to restrict authentication to only whitelisted devices that have been issued from our company. Is there any device identifiers sent ...
John's user avatar
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Get UsageRights for User via Microsoft Graph throwing error

I am writing an Excel Web Add-in that asks the user to login and calls a Web API for generating the access token. I have been successfully able to login using Microsoft and the add-in is working fine. ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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How to authenticate to microsoft graph using managed identity

This is what im trying to do. When testing this i only see the sending mail to log. There is no exception caught. I have the logging set to debug. I assume this line goes in some timeout graphClient....
Hodl's user avatar
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Adding OAuth scopes to a call in an OpenApi Generator generated client

I'm using OpenAPI Generator (7.8.0-SNAPSHOT with RestSharp library) to generate a C# client for a rest api deployed on Azure that is using OAuth to grant access and authorizations. Now the ...
Mad Druid's user avatar
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MsalUiRequiredException: An error occured during token acquisition: No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent call

I have a problem with the login and don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure it has to do with my program.cs: using MudBlazor.Services; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect; using ...
kas's user avatar
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How to configure UserRoles when using Microsoft Identity and extending the IdentityUser and IdentityRole model? Creating duplicate tables

I'm using EntityFrameworkCore 8.0.6 and Microsoft.Identity.Core 8.0.6. I have a extended the models for user and roles public class Role : IdentityRole<int> { ... public string? ...
user25604856's user avatar
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.NET 6 Blazor Server entering login loop

I have a Blazor Server app that's written in .NET 6 that will sporadically enter a login loop and eventually fail to log the user in and send them to the Microsoft challenge page, but refuse to allow ...
Robert Thompson's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC : trouble with SQL token distributed serialization - Microsoft Graph SDK - identity web

As the title says, I have an ASP.NET MVC app running on .NET 4.7.2 to which I want to integrate Microsoft 365 functionalities. For this, I have already registered the app in Microsoft Entra ID. I can ...
JuanV's user avatar
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Error : AADSTS50059: No tenant-identifying information found in either the > request or implied by any provided credentials

I am implementing Microsoft.Identity Login in my web app to allow any organization users (outside my Tenant Id) to login. The configuration in my appsettings.json is as below. "AzureAd": { ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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How to set MicrosoftIdentity controller SignOut to redirect to the current page

I'm build an ASP.Net Core page with MicrosoftIdentity login/logout. My _LoginPartial looks like this: If the user is not signed in, it shows a "Sign in" item If the user is signed in, it ...
CBullen's user avatar
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How to use JWT token used obtained using MSAL library to commit code in Azure Repo

We are using @azure/msal-react node module to authenticate a user. User is prompted to enter his uid/pwd and Azure AD authenticates the user. Once, authenticated, user gets a JWT token. This token is ...
OpenStack's user avatar
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Blazor restarts session when getting access token

I have a Blazor (SSR) app that makes a call to another service on behalf of the logged in user. To get the bearer token I call await tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForUserAsync(["api://<...
Iain Brown's user avatar
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Redirect Microsoft Identity Platform Access Denied in ASP.NET Core

I feel like I've read every post on Stack Overflow and nothing is matching my scenario. I've got an ASP.NET Core website that uses Microsoft Identity Platform for authentication. This is set up by ...
David's user avatar
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Azure app registration limit access for client secret/certificate

I'm developing an API that will be used by other application and I'm using Microsoft Identify platform. The API exposes several end-points and one application will use all end-points, while the other ...
Albert T's user avatar

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