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OS X Ventura TypeError: libmemcached does not support SASL

I'm using Flask_Caching 2.0.1 in a Flask app, which uses pylibmc, which uses libmemcached 1.0.18_2 on OS X Ventura 13.0.1. Either the libmemcached that comes standard or using brew install ...
sunday_funday's user avatar
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python confluent kafka: Group authorization failed

How can I fix a: Group authorization failed error when trying to consume messages from Kafka using the python client? The same settings work fine in the Kafka CLI. Usually this error hould point to ...
Georg Heiler's user avatar
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Can't install sasl on Windows 10 Python 3.10

This issue has been raised before but not resolved for Windows 10 users as far as i can tell. I am trying to install impala-shell for python but it is failing when trying to install sasl 0.2.1. It ...
Sanchez333's user avatar
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SQLAlchemy "no module sasl"

I want to return a query by establishing a hive connection with SQLalchemy. But I am getting "no module sasl" error with this code. Normally, I could get rid of this error with a solution ...
halberdier15's user avatar
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installing "sasl" in python

When trying to install sasl in python to connect with Hive, it gives an error. Please advise how to treat it? pip install sasl ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: Using cached sasl-...
Дмитрий Горбунов's user avatar
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Precompiled sasl python 3.9+ package for windows

I'm looking for a pre-compiled sasl package for Windows python 3.9 or higher. Since compiling the package seems quite some effort I'd prefer a pre-compiled package. There are some questions about ...
HeyMan's user avatar
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Connect to Eclipse Hono AMQP Adaptor using python proton

I'm currently trying to send a telemetry message via AMPQ Adaptor to the Hono Sandbox. All though i took over parts of the code sample seen in Hono Noth bridge example (which should work for the south ...
Armin Gruber's user avatar
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How to configure mechanism in thrift_sasl

I'm trying to connect to Hive with a Windows client using Python and am getting this error: (pyhive-test) C:\dev\sandbox\pyhive-test>python Traceback (most recent call last): File "...
Dan's user avatar
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How to Connect to Hive via pyhive from Windows

I've been racking my brain for the past couple of days attempting to connect to a Hive server with a Python client using pyhive on Windows. I'm new to Hive (pyhive too for that matter), but am a ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to add configuration setting for sasl.mechanism PLAIN (API) and GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication in python script

Need some help to set the configuration for sasl.mechanism PLAIN (API) and GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication. We are using confluent Kafka here, there are two scripts, one a python script and the ...
sparsh bhardwaj's user avatar
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Impyla - getting SASL error for identical code on different server

We have a script using impyla that queries one server from another. It works fine and has no issues. We then copied the Anaconda environment to a different server with the exact same configuration as ...
formicaman's user avatar
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Error installing sasl for python2 on OSX 11.2.3 Big Sur

When I try to pip install sasl with python 2.7.16 I get a bunch of errors that suggest problems linking/building the python sasl package. I have brew install openssh I've tried brew install cyrus-...
skyebend's user avatar
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Unable to install sasl on MAC

In order to connect to Hive data warehouse from python. Using pyhive requires sasl - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sasl' Installing sasl fails with errors below Python 3.9.4 installed gcc, ...
horse's user avatar
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Flink Kafka Table API for python with JAAS

I am using Flink 1.11.2 version Python Table API to connect to Kafka Topic using SASL protocol but it fails with following error. I tried same properties in Flink java version, and I am able to ...
Skala's user avatar
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PyHive Connection Error - Could not start SASL

I'm trying to connect to Hive server with PyHive. So far, I have this: from pyhive import hive import pandas as pd # Create Hive connection conn = hive.Connection(host="*********", port=...
A.L.'s user avatar
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