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trying to install frappe hrms in windows local server and havimg error in env

I m trying to set frappe hrms in windows local server git bash and i install frappe-bench using bash command but when i try to install hrms i have env error this is my error ROHAN@Rohan MINGW64 /c/...
Rohan Parmar's user avatar
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Azure SQL Server to on-premise (local) server database data-tier import error

I'm getting this error message whenever I import the .BACPAC data tier file that I exported from Azure SQL Server: Could not import package. Warning SQL72012: The object [database_name_Data] exists ...
nikitimi's user avatar
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I tried both ng serve and ionic serve commands, running my ionic Angular project, I am facing the error "ionic :The term 'ionic' is not recognised

ionic serve error : ng serve error: PS E:\sss> ng serve Error: This command is not available when running the Angular CLI outside a workspace. PS E:\sss> ionic serve ionic : The term 'ionic' is ...
kavya cv's user avatar
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Background Video Not Autoplaying

Not sure if this is an issue with the local server ember generates, or if it is just a normal thing local servers do, but currently I have a video that I play in the background of my page that does ...
Jazzwal's user avatar
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Traefik setup on docker returning gateway timeout

I am setting up a local Debian server with Docker and multiple containers/services. I am trying to point a subdomain to each container with Traefik, it doesn't work and I don't know where the problem ...
msampaio's user avatar
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400 on ajax post using microsoft studio debugging local. probally a __RequestVerificationToken issue

I seriously wonder why my post script doesn't work... Watched many solutions here, but i can't get it seem to work. Please help me out I am getting a 400 status message in retrun.. What's wrong down ...
M Vente's user avatar
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404 javascript: local server would not see Index.html

I keep having issue with localhost:8000 not being able to "see" index.html file. I am using Deno on Mac and here are my html and javascript codes: Javascript: import { Application } from &...
Mai's user avatar
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Expo dev-client on iOS simulator Mac cannot connect to development server

My two apps stopped connecting with metro overnight. Local IP address hasn’t changed. When I run them with "npx expo start --dev-client” as I always do, they both sit on the splash screen with a ...
Saeid Irvani's user avatar
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Browser doesn't find images from HTML when running on local host [duplicate]

I am developing my site and running on the local host now on windows computer. I want to set a background image for the page but when I run the server it throughs a message that the image is not found....
Mesrop Daghbashyan's user avatar
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UDP socket in C - recvfrom() doesn't seem to read data from socket as intended

I've created an account just for this since I'm at my wits end here: The goal is for the server to receive and read exactly 2 bytes from the message "Hello from client" - 1 byte at a time ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Phones can't connect to local server

I'm trying to get my phone to connect to a local server from my PC to test a web app using Vite. I've got my PC's IPv4 address and the right port number together and I can connect to it from my laptop ...
Jango435's user avatar
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There is a problem connecting my Android application to MySQL

I'm new to creating Android applications,I write code in Kotlin and I need your help. I want to connect my Android application to my local server which is located on the MySQl computer. I already ...
nothin7's user avatar
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Rewriting paths during S3 bucket to local syncing through AWS Command Line Interface

I regularly need to sync a WordPress uploads directory from a S3 bucket towards a dev/local server. On the S3 bucket, the uploads have a /version/ intermediate folder on top of the standard: /wp-...
Schwipps's user avatar
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Joomla Error: Failed to start application: Failed to start the session

It seems that in the getApplication($id = null, array $config = array(), $prefix = 'J') function (libraries/src/Factory.php) the site id ($id in this case) is valid only once. If the check for !self::...
Jav's user avatar
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How to Expose local server to the web

Need helps ! I've retrieved the sensor data from my Raspberry pi via RestAPI , but it is running in a local server. I'd like to expose this to the web. I've tried NGROG, localTunnel but it's not ...
james's user avatar
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