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Want to use a variable outside the scope of ngFor

<mat-select [(ngModel)]="e1Instance" (selectionChange)="e1InstanceChanged(item)"> <mat-option *ngFor="let item of entities" value={{}} >{{}}...
Ahmed Ejaz's user avatar
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$rootScope.on is calling twice before destroy in angularjs

In this issue, first time it is coming into else block where downloadCsv method is getting called then rather destroy the component is again comes into if block. Somehow subscription has made twice in ...
anchal gaur's user avatar
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How to store http angularjs call response to variable

I'm making http get call from angularJS function. Call works perfectly and get the response back but I need to store response in a variable so I can use it outside of $http. I tried to keep in $scope....
Partha's user avatar
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Question about prototypal inheritance in Javascript

I was reading the AngularJS wiki section about understanding scopes and I had a question in this part. Before it is said that when, in the child scope we make an assignment to a primitive property ...
LoyalPotato's user avatar
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How to use a Dynamic Variable to access Scope field - AngularJS

I am trying to have a variable string, and access the matching $scope.field but it is undefined and not returning what I am expecting. What am I doing wrong, or is this not possible? $scope....
Suzy's user avatar
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How to add objects from ng-repeat into a controller array ($scope)?

I have an array which is: $scope.products=[ {name:'Orange', price:'1.15'}, {name:'Apple', price:'1.08'}, {name:'Pear', price:'1.85'}, {name:'Mango', price:'2.10'}, {name:'...
Edonis Cena's user avatar
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How to nest and transclude this example with AngularJS?

I want make this code and I'm pretty sure that a different ng-transclude directive/service is needed, but I don't know how make it. # controller.html <directive-folder-list> <...
Carlos Velasco's user avatar
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Call custom made function from svg element using AngularJs and D3.js

I'm currently using AngularJS I'm trying to implement a graph in D3.js that needs to have some functionalities. So my first step was to try to launch some custom function when I double clicked on one ...
Giacomo's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function - AngularJs

I'm trying to execute some angular JS, via my chrome console. (I'm adding a new controller into my DOM). However, I'm returned the following error: Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function I've seen ...
Reena Verma's user avatar
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ng-disable not working when I am trying to use custom directive

I am learning AngularJS. I am trying to make a custom directive that checks if email already exists. I get my emails from array that has like 9 users and I can successfully get them using Factory. My ...
Louay Saeed's user avatar
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Accesst to $scope variable that its name is stored in another variable

see code... <input type="text" ng-model="My.VarInScope1" /> <input type="text" ng-model="My.VarInScope2" /> and angularjs var varname = 'My....
jfrubio's user avatar
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AngularJS input type="radio" and ng-click

I have inherited a solution developed in AngularJS (1.5), bootstrap and perhaps something else. I really don't understand too much of this type of development. But I am faced with a problem to solve. ...
Cacho's user avatar
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Angular ng-model and controller won't work

I'm fairly new to Angular and I am trying to use ng-model and ng-controller to change some text using an input box. This issue is that my initial text(john) doesn't show up on the page. Every ...
Kevin B.'s user avatar
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scope keeps being undefined in angularjs unit-testing

I am trying to unit-testing for following code, I wrote following code for unit-testing like below, I have tried so many ways to work, but I keep getting error: 'Cannot read property 'num' of ...
Anna Lee's user avatar
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AngularJS, best practice for data flow between shopping cart and list of products

in my AngularJS app a have 2 controllers: first for list of products and second for shooping cart. What is the best way to resolve data flow when product is added form list of products to shooping ...
Kermit's user avatar
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