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How to add record id to Select in Dojo

I need to put the option id in the cells.Select element, now I have an array of menu items looking like this: var options = ["Administrator", "Cashier", "Courier"]; var ...
Alexander Ermolenko's user avatar
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How to add form elements to Dialog in Dojo dynamically

Please give me a code example on how to dynamically add any form elements to Dialog. var myDialog = new Dialog({ title: "Edit form", style: "width: 300px; height: 200px" });...
Alexander Ermolenko's user avatar
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How to add onClick event to PopupMenuBarItem in Dojo?

I can't figure out how to add an onclick event to a menu item, please help me solve this problem. <script> require([ "dijit/MenuBar", "dijit/PopupMenuBarItem&...
Alexander Ermolenko's user avatar
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Is it possible to create multiple compressed resources with maven?

I was working on a Maven mini project in which at some point I need to create multiple compressed files in gzip (.jgz). For this I used the maven-assembly plugin, but I can only create one archive at ...
EdMkn's user avatar
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Using Dojo with ArcGIS Map SDK for JavaScript 4.29

Error Screenshot Here, I want to use dojo in ArcGIS Api for JS , but it give me script error when i import dojo through cdn link. Added SS of the code and Error. I am using the ArcGIS Map SDK for ...
Ahsan Ali's user avatar
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Confirm leaving the page in an ArcGIS web app builder

I created an app with ESRI ArcGIS Web App Builder. Now I want to ask the user if he wants to leave the page any time he clicks the forward or back button of the browser or if he refreshes the page. I ...
slevin's user avatar
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Dojo Dijits Layout with ArcGIS SDK for Javascript

I'm trying to use Dojo Dijits Border Container and Content Pane with a Tiled Imagery Layer. I can get the code to work to display just the Tiled Imagery Layer and also get it to work fine with the ...
Geno's user avatar
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How to create an HTML form programmatically using dojo toolkit (dijit) with label, a good layout and a default style

I need to create an HTML form dynamically. I'm using Dojo Toolkit and its theme named claro.css. The examples of forms in the documentation are static and they often have an ugly layout with ...
Squall's user avatar
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A single antd v4 component broke the style of all components developed with antd v5

In my project based on the JS dojo framework, I have a standalone component written in react and antd 4 that I can't directly put my hands on. In the last period I started to convert widgets written ...
AlTheLazyMonkey's user avatar
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Using multiple selectors using document query

I have a HTML tag <div class="selected focused leafNode" data-test-id="4048800800000000::1" id="treeNode_5B9843E1"></div> I am trying to get the div with a ...
T Rao's user avatar
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How do i intercept all the http request made from application using dojo framework

I have an application that uses dojo framework. I need to add csrf token in the header to all the http request made. How do i do that in dojo?
Amit Pokhrel's user avatar
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Chrome ignores <a> tag's target argument when link is programmatically "clicked"

I have a project that is implemented with Django, Dojo and JS. I've been banging my head against this issue all week and cannot find any hints online as to what the problem might be. Hopefully someone ...
pblanco4's user avatar
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Multiple query using QueryTask ArcgGIS JS Api 3

I am using QueryTask in ArcgGIS JS Api 3 and I want to execute multiple query in one call, I took a look at the documentation and I didn't find the possibility to do it this is what I am using ...
GisCat's user avatar
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is it possible to use a single .html to generate multiple pages with different div ids and data

I'm using the dojo library to implement a new feature. I've got a single dojo template in javascript and a single HTML file for creating multiple views with different ids and data Is this possible to ...
mahone_'s user avatar
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Unable to set Checkbox to Checked after refreshing and storing in Local Storage

I am currently facing an issue where I am unable to set a input box to stay checked after a refresh. I have stored the values in the local storage, even though the value is stored in the local storage;...
Jed's user avatar
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