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Why does using df.iloc[[i][0]] in Pandas' iloc() lead to specific behavior?

I am just starting to learn Pandas, and in a piece of code, there is a call to df.iloc[[1][0]] (where df is a pd.DataFrame with a shape of (60935, 54)). From the context of the code, df.iloc[[1][0]] ...
roundless's user avatar
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How to dynamically increment a list counter with letters in CSS for nested lists in Obsidian? [closed]

I'm using Obsidian and trying to customize the appearance of nested ordered lists. What I want is to have the following structure: 1. a. b. 2. a. b. I've been able to get a numerical ...
Creeper's user avatar
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Problem with recursion interfering with a for loop iterating over a nested array in JavaScript

I have a function in my JavaScript code which iterates over an array called background_check which has elements which are also arrays. I want to see if any element in this nested array is a 0 (each ...
engef2018's user avatar
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Combining lists of lists of dataframes

I have a list of lists of dataframes, where each dataframe has a name according to its position in its list. I want to rbind my dataframes together according to their name. A1 <- data.frame(cars*...
akoontz11's user avatar
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Create a nested list from a dataframe using multiple columns

I have a dataframe that I would like to convert to a nested list, by row. However, I need to group several columns into separate matrices in each nested element. All of the solutions I've seen put ...
scjForR's user avatar
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Using a Recursive Function to Create a List Nested n Times

I have the following data frame. Data_Frame <- data.frame(Factor_1 = rep(LETTERS[1:4], each = 12, length.out = 48), Factor_2 = rep(letters[1:3], each = 4, length.out = 48), Factor_3 = rep(1:2, each ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Query regarding the rendering of $math$ in nested lists in CoLab

I am using CoLab to prepare some teaching materials. This is great because students do not have to have python (etc.) installed on their machines. (Thanks to google!) I want to embed some math code in ...
Christopher Thompson's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to sort two nested list which are linked by indexes

I am trying to sort a nested list by date (which I can). Then if the list has duplicate dates, sort the duplicate dates by time. The first part of the list is the date or time, second part is the ...
Kelvin Hollander's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I write more efficient for loops in python

I want to print the first letter of each string in a list on one line, and then the next letter on the next line, etc. When a string runs out of letters, it prints a space instead. Also this is my ...
Ian Pak's user avatar
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Adding a nested list with two tiers to a table cell [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a nested list with multiple tiers (indents) within a table in markdown, like the image below (created in Microsoft Word): enter image description here I have this Markdown code ...
James M's user avatar
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Creating nested lists from a single list

Suppose I have a list like this: my_list = ['a_norm', 'a_std', 'a_min', 'a_max', 'a_flag', 'b_norm', 'b_std', 'b_min', 'b_max', 'b_flag', 'c_norm', 'c_std', 'c_min', 'c_max', 'c_flag'] I want to ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Counting number of nested levels in JSON object in T-SQL returns not properly formatted error message

The following script, in SSMS 19.3, throws this error: JSON text is not properly formatted. Unexpected character '.' is found at position 1. DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{ "level1": {...
FaCoffee's user avatar
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Flutter Nisted Listview builder with lazyload for each one

enter image description hereIn my case, there is a ListView builder for the Group header, and for each Group, there is a ListView builder for the items of the Group. Both the internal and external ...
Khaled Sawan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Take a Python dictionary with values as lists and create a new list of dictionaries each with the initial key and list values

If I have a dictionary with list values: users = {'first-name': ['Jim', 'John', 'Jane'], 'last-name': ['Boothe', 'Smith', 'Doe'], 'user': ['100', '101', '102']} How can I create a new list of ...
Jim Boothe's user avatar
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How to store nested lists in Postgres?

How can I store nested lists in Postgres in way that's easy to use them in my Python program later? I plan to write the lists to the database once and reuse them many times. I've been able to store ...
Programming_Learner_DK's user avatar

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