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Connect to on prem SQL server from.ADF using client provided certificates

I am trying to connect to on prem SQL server from adf using client provided certificate using SHIR.When I created linked service I gave encrypt as true and trustcertificate as false and linked ...
Azureenthusiast's user avatar
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Azure Web App Authentication Token in Backend

I have a PHP Azure Linux Web App deployed with Azure AD Authentication enabled. This works fine. My app has an admin page and I'd like to deny access to users who are not in the authorized list of ...
kithril's user avatar
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Azure sql database backup?

I have configured Azure sql database to be backed up. I have a database that resides in Nort Central US and this database is backed up to a different location. How can i find out from Azure the ...
Sandy 's user avatar
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How to get the abbreviated location code inside Azure ARM template

I'm trying to get the Azure resource's abbreviated location in the ARM template. I find a plenty of examples like the following to set the "location" parameter in the ARM template. "...
samsu's user avatar
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How to get Microsoft Azure hosting a Static Web App to recognize update to codebase in GitHub?

I have a static web app that is hosted on Microsoft Azure. I just updated some of the code in GitHub that Microsoft Azure uses for the web app. When I visit my website, none of the code changes have ...
user1104028's user avatar
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Create a SQL user on Azure SQL Managed instance after database creation using Terraform or other automation system [closed]

Using Terraform (or other automation process using Az), I have created an Azure SQL managed instance but I don't have a solution to create a user (different from administrator) that gives acess to the ...
chris06's user avatar
-3 votes
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Ways to restrict access to specific sharepoint site by location [closed]

As the title suggests, is there a way of doing this in 365 or third party tool that you know off? We already have conditional access policy to restrict certain countries but there doesn't seem to be a ...
Chris Lannister's user avatar
1 vote
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How to query with LINQ a dictionary property in EF Core with Cosmos DB provider

I have a class Entity mapped with EF Core to a Cosmos DB container. The class has a property Labels of type Dictionary<string, string>. How can I find all instances of that class that have say ...
Valo's user avatar
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Exclude/hide Azure DevOps agent VMSS instances from Defender

We run Microsoft365 Defender for a variety of things, including endpoint and VM scanning. One annoyance we experience is that we can't find an easy way to filter out (or suppress entirely) Defender's ...
sam256's user avatar
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How to scrape Kubernetes Component SLI Metrics

I have an AKS cluster with an OTel collector (image opentelemetry-collector-contrib:0.107.0) configured in deployment mode that is correctly sending telemetry to various external stores. I want to ...
thecoloryes's user avatar
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How to find the Azure Function key used in a given request

When you make a request via Azure Function, there is a necessary host/master/function key that must be used in the request query, unless the function is anonymous. The format is like https://...
anastaciu's user avatar
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Azure Function of type timer times out after 4:02 mins

I have an azure function app running in python stack with Elastic Premium (EP2) plan with 2 cores and 7GB memory. I have 2 functions, A timer trigger An Http trigger Timer function loops through a ...
Rahul Sharma's user avatar
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Replicating Classic release pipeline setup on YAML

How do I achieve this kind of a setup on YAML: I am specifically wondering about the artifact section. How do I achieve it? What I think I ought to do is have resources of the type pipelines and ...
Anonymous Person's user avatar
-3 votes
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Generate word document reports from data in Azure SQL Server [closed]

My team has been tasked with generating a Word document report from data in an Azure SQL Server database. Our technology stack includes a SPA front end written in Vue 3, backend APIs written primarily ...
Røye's user avatar
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Azure BlobClient not returning a seekable stream

I am serving a file from an endpoint like this: [HttpGet("Files/{id}")] [HttpHead("Files/{id}")] public IActionResult GetFile(Guid id) { var blob = Container.GetBlobClient(id....
Brad's user avatar
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How can I detect whether authorization is complete?

Basic question Is there a way for a browser to detect whether a user has been authenticated via SAML on a different site? Background My organization has a custom application that is a portal that uses ...
Kimber Warden's user avatar
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Error on Azure Storage Tables using Peter Test Framework by adding PowerShell commands

I'm getting error while trying to list the azure storage tables using Pester framework. The same commands in PowerShell are working fine. My requirement is I want to convert the PowerShell commands ...
Srikant Kanchumurthi's user avatar
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Power Pages with Azure B2C, Issue with Custom Redirect URI

I have a power pages site set up and it is working as expected with Azure b2c authentication. However we now want to use a custom redirect URI so that when logged in the user gets redirected through ...
user27372070's user avatar
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Azure AI Search Sharepoint URLs

I am currently indexing Sharepoint Files in Azure via AI Search. This index is then used in AI Studio via "add your data". This way the Sharepoint documents are used as citations in the chat,...
user26391977's user avatar
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how to find records with duplicates inside a string array is cosmos db

I'm trying to write a cosmos query that return a list of ids, which contain duplicates in a string array that exists on each record. Here's an example of the dataset I'm working with. using this data, ...
user2835238's user avatar
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Issue with Power BI Embedded API and 401 Unauthorized Error

I'm working on integrating Power BI Embedded using the REST API to retrieve the list of dashboards. I'm using client credentials flow with the correct client ID and client secret to obtain an access ...
Ritienne Gauci's user avatar
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Issues Adding SMTP.Send Permission to Azure Application for Office 365 SMTP

I am developing an application on the Azure portal to send emails via free Microsoft accounts using the SMTP server How can I add the permission
Max Bündchen's user avatar
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Does Application Insights has a property to disable Application Insights?

I am using Spring Boot and I want to disable Application Insights when working on a dev environment. I have ApplicationInsights.attach(); in my main method. And also I have a ...
ilhan's user avatar
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Getting error "access to the resource is forbidden" on powerbi [closed]

Getting error "access to the resource is forbidden" when trying to connect application Insights query with powerbi I am using access Api-key with read telemetry permission in the data ...
Christy's user avatar
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can't deploy config file on azure container apps using configmap

I have a backend java deployed with configmap (config file xml, cfg, etc ...) in cluster kubernetes . Is ACA support configmap to ensure a seamless portability between kubernetes and ACA ?
user3620514's user avatar
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Access has been blocked by CORS policy when redirecting to

I have a web app (javascript front-end with a .NET Core 6 Web API) and I am trying to add authentication via OpenIdConnect and my redirects to are blocked by a CORS, if I hit the ...
Andrei Teodorescu's user avatar
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OAuth 2.0 authentication with Swagger UI

I have an ASP.NET Core Web Api project with following program.cs file: using (var scope = temporaryProvider.CreateScope()) { var dataverseUtilityService = scope.ServiceProvider....
Osman Esen's user avatar
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How to use mage.exe for (re)signing manifests with Azure Trusted Code Signing

We have a setup in which we build clickonce deployments on our build server and then redeploy them later on several customer servers. The problem there is that you have to resign the manifest file ...
Davy de Kerf's user avatar
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Azure Frontdoor is Overwriting XFF header

I am trying to set up an Azure Front Door before requests reach my api. The flow I have imagined -> AFD -> If i call directly, the XFF looks ...
SSeeker's user avatar
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azure function .python_packages missing

I have an azure function app to which I am trying to deploy some python code to via zip upload through the CLI. I can get a hello world application to run but I cannot add external libraries. I added ...
matteok's user avatar
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go get a subdirectory with private azure repo

I want to require a specific module of a private azure repository. The module is in a subdirectory of said repository. This results in a required module that contains an undesired [...].git/[...] in ...
Valanthor's user avatar
1 vote
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Can messages be sent directly to the built-in Event Hubs endpoint in Azure IoT Hub?

Can messages be sent to the built-in Event Hubs-compatible endpoint in Azure IoT Hub? I have a service that consumes messages on the built-in endpoint. Now, I need to inject artificial messages and ...
pvorb's user avatar
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'Authentication Failed' Error using MongoDB OIDC

I am trying to connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster via pymongo using the MongoDB-OIDC authentication method, with Azure as the identity provider. I already setup the Azure provider and connected it to ...
Bhaelar's user avatar
-4 votes
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Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline which is linked to repository is "app repo1" [closed]

Could you please help on this? Need to link ( two azure repo git) new repository is "app repo2" with existing build pipeline is "service-webapp" which is linked to repository is &...
veer's user avatar
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dotnet publish for ASP.NET Core MVC doesn't correctly handle wwwroot folder

I have a simple github actions deployments: build: .. runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up .NET Core uses: actions/...
Unnamed's user avatar
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How to execute a previous pipeline run in Azure Data Factory

We have a situation where a previous pipeline failed. For example the pipeline failed on a particular date, however since that date the pipeline has been working perfectly fine. The problem is we need ...
Patterson's user avatar
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Azure Functions - 403 Forbidden error while calling from inside Azure Portal

I am trying to execute a Timer triggered function via the Azure Portal but I get a 403 Forbidden error: My networking settings on the Function App: So it should be available and the appservice ...
aaylmao's user avatar
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Terraform code not creating multiple rules in Azure Storage lifecycle

I have tried to create Azure storage lifecycle via IAC terraform. But facing the below error. Expected to create multiples rules for storage lifecycle , but only one rule is created. If we re-run the ...
Ashraf Baig's user avatar
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Azure Databricks: error 403 while doing on mounted directory

I have an Azure Databricks workspace, a storage account with hierarchical namespace enabled and a service principal. I have mounted the storage successfully (the output was "True"): configs =...
Krzysztof's user avatar
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Error in connecting Azure SignalR service with Azure Function

I'm getting the following error when I try to register signalr services in my startup. "func: Invalid host services. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.WebHost: The following service registrations ...
Amila mendis's user avatar
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Azure Lighthouse: Updated Entra ID Group used for Authorization with new Users

With Azure Lighthouse and the managed tenant, when applying additional users to a related Entra ID group used for authorization, how do you identify the issues when those users show they do not have ...
Jason Smyth's user avatar
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Sudden drop of performance and quality in Czech Azure voices Antonin and Vlasta

We use Czech Azure voices Antonin and Vlasta, they read our news articles to our readers. So far so good. However, since the end of last week (13.09.2024) their performance suddenly dropped. Antonin ...
Lukáš Werner's user avatar
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Azure funcion app won't start locally after upgrade to .NET8

I got an Azure function app implemented using C# .NET8 (Isolated). Before that, it was using .NET6 and I had no issues with just running the solution from VS and start debugging. Now with .NET8, VS is ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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What is the way to send structured log fields with log4j?

With slf4j I can do as follows: logger.atInfo().setMessage("My message").addKeyValue("foo", "bar").addKeyValue("code", 42).log() Which, when used with Azure ...
greatvovan's user avatar
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How to configure Azure Application Insight for a Java Spring Boot in a Pod in Azure AKS

I have a SpringBoot app and this is running in a POD in AKS. I configured an Application Insights agent. For me all looks good. But i can not see in Application Insights the data that i would expect. ...
user286974's user avatar
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Remove blob from azure storage account through bicep but exlude blob from develop branch

We set up a storage account and azure storage account life cycle management policies for removing the blobs that are older than 100days and so on. What we noticed that this policy will remove all ...
ninja's user avatar
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Migrate an active DNS name from one Azure App Service to another

Accordingly to this article, you should be able to bind a custom domain preemptively to an App Service. So I have added the TXT record to the DNS, but when adding the custom domain on the new App ...
Jaap Mosselman's user avatar
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Azure SCIM - Group members are not sending from azure while group provisioning

I perform SCIM provisioning from Azure and have mapped the default attributes in the attribute mapping settings. I added 5 users to the "devtestgroup", but when sending the requests, Azure ...
Samadhan's user avatar
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builder.SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) generates invalid path (mix of Windows and Linux) for dotnet-isolated, Linux Azure Function app

I have deployed an Azure Function app on Linux using .NET 8 (dotnet-isolated). When configuring the application configuration, I start by setting the base path using Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(). ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Azure ComputeSku with null costs

I would need your help to understand, why while getting a list of Azure ComputeSku, all of them has its "costs" field set to null (see my screenshot below). It happens with any of my ...
Michael Benguigui's user avatar

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